219-386-3188 Valparaiso Indiana
Precision Pressure Washing and Cleaning LLC. Your Pressure Washing Services
House & Roof Wash, Concrete Clean & Seal, Window & Screen Cleaning, Rust Removal, Gutter Clean & Brightening, Fences & Decks
House & Roof Wash, Concrete Clean & Seal, Window & Screen Cleaning, Rust Removal, Gutter Clean & Brightening, Fences & Decks
How We Soft Wash your Home or Commercial Building
Let Us Clean Your Dirty Screens Today!
Check out how we built our trailer!
Our Water Fed Pole System uses purified water to clean your windows, building surfaces, vinyl awnings, etc. Purified water is a natural cleaner, and when dries leaves behind no residual spotting!
Let us clean your decorative concrete or concrete surface. It will end up looking brand New!
Much like the exterior of our homes, roofs are especially susceptible to having mold spores. Our low pressure cleaning methods will effectively treat and kill algae and mold spores. We NEVER use high pressure to clean your roof. Our technicians utilize a "soft wash" system that ensures your roof is treated with only the most effective cleaning agents.
We use only low-pressure “Soft-Washing” methods to clean your home. Cleaning this way, we can ensure the elimination of mildew and algae. Best of all, we will NEVER damage your home!
Do you need a Soft Washing service to effectively remove dirt and algae from your building bricks? Let our professionals do it for you!
Precision Pressure Washing and holiday lighting in Valparaiso, a local family owned business has one goal: To exceed the expectations of it's customers. We pay attention to every detail, and use top of the line equipment. We offer a variety of residential house washing and commercial exterior cleaning solutions.
When it comes to soft washing your home, you want a pressure washing service company that will respect your most valuable asset. Our residential services include: Holiday Lighting, House Washing and Roof Cleaning, Driveway and Sidewalk Cleaning, Decks and Fences, Gutter Cleaning and Brightening, Stucco, Window Cleaning, Rust Removal and more.
Precision Pressure Washing Services can deliver both residential and commercial property cleaning. Whether it is house washing or holiday lighting our company strives to provide exceptional service and superior quality cleaning the first time with 100% customer satisfaction every time! Valparaiso and Northwest Indiana Experience the Difference with Precision Pressure Washing and Cleaning Today.
Precision Pressure Washing Services of Valparaiso we use the latest advances in cleaning methods. We use only low-pressure “soft-washing” methods to clean your home. Cleaning this way, we can ensure the elimination of mildew and algae. Best of all, we will NEVER damage your home with our house washing! Our cleaning methods and detergents will effectively restore stucco, brick, hardiplank, vinyl, aluminum, and more back to its original Beauty! Ask about adding Holiday Lighting to your freshly cleaned home.
To keep your gutters clean, someone has to climb a ladder and clean them out. It can be a dirty and dangerous job, which is why you might want to hire a professional to do the work. Clogged gutters can lead to a lot of problems for homeowners. Clogged gutters and downspouts can lead to rotting debris in the eves and soffits near your roof line, the breeding for mosquitoes, jeopardizing of the integrity and longevity of your roof. Our Valparaiso technicians will safely and efficiently remove the debris from your gutters and downspouts to ensure a clear path for rainwater to flow. Add beautiful holiday lighting to your cleaned gutters this Christmas!
Our pressure washing services can remove Mold, Mildew, Pollen, Algae and Lichen with a soft house washing. These days pressure washing can be associated with healthy living, but did you know Soft Washing can help fight allergies and illness. In Valparaiso, mold and pollen are two of the most common allergies. Roofs and siding are notorious for catching pollen. A thorough house wash will not only eliminate pollen from your house, but can also prevent future pollen from sticking. Pressure washing will also remove mold and mildew from concrete surfaces. While pollen is annoying, mold can be really dangerous. According to the CDC “Some people are sensitive to molds. For these people, molds can cause nasal stuffiness, throat irritation, wheezing or coughing, eye irritation, or even skin irritation. People with mold allergies may have more severe reactions. Immune-compromised people and people with chronic lung illnesses, such as obstructive lung disease, may get serious infections in their lungs when they are exposed to mold. These people should stay away from areas that are likely to have mold.”
Curb appeal is important to your house washing, whether you are trying to sell your home around Valparaiso or have a business that is trying to attract customers. Our pressure washing service will brighten and restore your driveway and any other outdoor surfaces you have such as sidewalks and patios. Keeping your driveway clean and free of debris will help to maintain it, which makes it last longer and protects your investment. Our surface cleaning method and state of the art equipment work together to ensure that your property will be thoroughly clean and ready for holiday lighting!
Much like the exterior of homes in Valparaiso and surrounding areas, roofs are especially susceptible to having mold spores land on them and continue to spread until the entire roof is covered in black streaks and stains. Our low-pressure washing services will effectively treat and kill mold spores, returning your roof to its original state without you needing to spend the money to replace it! We will NEVER use high pressure to clean your roof. Our technicians utilize a “soft wash” system that ensures your roof is treated with only the most effective house washing cleaning agents and is absolutely never put in harm’s way. Your Holiday lighting will look excellent on a newly washed roof.
Dumpster pressure washing service and dumpster pad cleaning are services that should rank high on the priority list for any commercial property. Dumpsters are known for attracting insects and pests that can carry disease, which only makes your commercial space less sanitary. These factors can put the health of your employees and guests in danger. By utilizing Precision Pressure Washing of Valparaiso dumpster pad cleaning services, we can eliminate these health risks and foul odors that may be attracting unwanted guests.
When your gutters are first installed, they’re crisp, bright, and welcoming. Gutters can accumulate a lot of debris. Our pressure washing service uses special cleaners to remove dirt, mildew, and mold. Our goal is to restore them to that original condition. Also, we can help to eliminate tiger stripes from your gutter system! With our house washing and cleaning service our solutions will slow the re-growth of mildew, mold, and other fungus. Are you ready for Bright Shinny Gutters? Call Us Today!
The first thing your customer sees before they enter your store and the last thing they see when they leave, is your building exterior. Are your customers walking over oil spills and gum stained concrete to get inside? Is your building starting to get black streaks from water runoff? No one wants to eat at a dirty restaurant and no one wants to shop at a dirty store. Using our Pressure washing services on a regular basis helps create a positive impression of your brand before the customer ever walks in. Trust Precision Pressure Washing and Cleaning of Valparaiso to take your business to new heights with our full service exterior and window cleaning service. Precision Pressure Washing is here for all your commercial pressure washing and maintenance needs including, dumpster pad cleaning. From gas stations to warehouses, apartment complexes to sanitizing daycare playground equipment. Precision Pressure Washing and Cleaning can keep your commercial property looking new! We offer Holiday lighting on commercial properties, Call us today for a free estimate!
Has your deck turned dull, gray and weathered looking from sun damage? Decks are subjected to the harsh elements all year round which can result in a dull, weathered and worn out and may leave your property looking shabby in it's appearance. Let Precision Pressure Washing and Cleaning of Valparaiso restore the natural beauty to your fence or deck. Our effective and safe pressure washing services clean away embedded layer of grime, dirt and organic growth so your fence or deck can return to a beautiful part of your outdoor living environment. Let us add Holiday lighting to enhance its beauty year round!
We always recommend cleaning exterior windows along with a soft house washing to get the very best results possible. Depending on the hardness of your water soft washing may leave water spots on the glass once the water dries and the minerals from the water are left behind. Our water fed pole system uses purified water in conjunction with a tool to clean your windows, building services, vinyl awnings, trucks trailers, cars, etc. Purified water is a natural cleaner, and when used correctly to clean it dries leaving no residual spotting. Purified water is a great cleaner, it attracts the dirt from the surface that is being cleaned like a magnet. When you choose Precision Pressure Washing and Cleaning to clean your exterior windows after a soft wash of your home we offer a discounted price on the window cleaning when these two projects are done together!
Our safe and effective pressure washing services removes dirt, grime, mold, mildew and algae from siding, stucco, masonry, and more. Call about your house washing services and Holiday lighting today!
Our Soft Wash Roof Cleaning removes ugly dark streaks and stains, lichen, and moss from your roof. A like New roof for a fraction of replacement cost! Call about our house washing and pressure washing services today.
We use Purified Water to clean your windows leaving behind no residual spotting, for a streak free shine after your pressure washing services.
We use special cleaners to remove stripping, dirt, mildew, and mold. Our pressure washing services can clean your gutters inside and out to keep your gutters clog free and looking their best! WITH OUR ANNUAL SERVICE NEVER CLEAN YOUR GUTTERS AGAIN!
Servicing Valparaiso and Northwest Indiana. We strive to be in constant communication with our customers until the job is done. Please contact Precision Pressure Washing and Cleaning to set up your pressure washing home service or Holiday lighting. Please review our contract on website. We look forward to your house washing or pressure washing service!
Valparaiso, Indiana, United States
By Appointment
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